In 2008, I found out about the TypeMatrix 2030 and then proceeded to use it exclusively for the next 12 years.
In 2020, I found out about the Planck EZ, and within 2 days of using it I said that it was at least 10x better than the TypeMatrix 2030, but I now know that in fact it's at least 20x better!

I'm very excited to finally show you my awesome keyboard configuration!

(I'd like to eventually make my own Common Lisp based firmware for the Planck EZ, but need to build infrastructure first.)


Fun fact: I implemented this highly interactive keyboard in 5 days in pure HTML5 and CSS3, with no JavaScript involved!
My implementation is heavily inspired by Oryx (and I stole a few colors), see my configuration there.

I showed this to the great folks at Ergodox/ZSA and they were so impressed that they quickly offered to interview me!

Unfortunately, the Planck EZ has been discontinued! 😭
Fortunately, the Moonlander (by the same company) seems like a suitable replacement.

Usage notes


My config

~ (q) ¸ (Q) , (w) ' (W) . (e) " (E) · p (r) P (R) y (t) Y (T) ¥ f (y) F (Y) g (u) G (U) c (i) C (I) © r (o) R (O) ® l (p) L (P)
/ (`) | (~) \ ¦ a A o (s) O (S) e (d) E (D) u (f) U (F) i (g) I (G) d (h) D (H) h (j) H (J) t (k) T (K) n (l) N (L) s (;) S (:) ß - (') _ (")
; (z) : (Z) q (x) Q (X) j (c) J (C) k (v) K (V) x (b) X (B) b (n) B (N) m M µ w (,) W (<) v (.) V (>) z (/) Z (?) §
Fullscreen (F15)
Super ↺Lower ↺Raise Ctrl Space AltGr
To Flbk
TT Nav
Esc Right
1 pixel
Super 1 pixel
1 pixel
1 pixel
Ctrl Ban mouse (Super-n) To Nav
↺Mouse AltGr Menu
/ ? , < . > p P y Y f F g G c C r R l L
a A o O e E u U i I d D h H t T n N s S
; : q Q j J k K x X b B m M w W v V z Z
↺Lower ↺Raise
To Base
Esc F1 F2 F3 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 ` (-) ^ (_)
# (Shift-3) 1 ! ¡ { 2 @ 😱 < 3 # ° [ 4 $ ¢ ( 5 % « 6 ? (^) ¿ » 7 & 🤔 ) 8 * ] 9 (() 💪 👏 > 0 ()) 😅 😭 } ´ ([) ¨ ({) ¯ ˘
Show All
F4 F6 Macro1 play < (#) > (~) Compose (Right Super)
↺Lower ↺Raise Close window (Super-a) Right ⇧ Right Ctrl
Esc F1 F2 F3 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 - _
# (Shift-3) 1 ! 2 @ 3 # 4 $ 5 % 6 ^ 7 & 8 * 9 ( 0 ) [ {
F4 F6 # ~ Right Super
↺Lower ↺Raise Right ⇧ Right Ctrl
SysRq F11 F12 F13 F15 F17 F18 F19 F20 👍 (=) (+) 🎉 🚀
File browser {} ([Macro]) <> ([Macro]) [] ([Macro]) () ([Macro]) ¡! ([Macro]) ¿? ([Macro]) "" ([Macro]) '' ([Macro]) ** ([Macro]) `` ([Macro]) + (]) = (}) × ÷
Sound 33% (Ctrl-Super-1) Sound 50% (Ctrl-Super-2) Sound 75% (Ctrl-Super-3) Sound 100% (Ctrl-Super-4) F14 F16 Macro2 play 😂 (\) 🤣 (|) 🤷 🤦 num
Sound -1% (🔉) Sound +1% (🔊) ↺Lower ↺Raise ↺Higher Right ⇧ Right Ctrl
SysRq F11 F12 F13 F15 F17 F18 F19 F20 = +
File browser {} ([Macro]) <> ([Macro]) [] ([Macro]) () ([Macro]) "" ([Macro]) '' ([Macro]) ** ([Macro]) `` ([Macro]) ] }
🔈 F14 F16 \ | num
🔉 🔊 ↺Lower ↺Raise ↺Higher Right ⇧ Right Ctrl
🎔 🖄 🖩 🗘 🔍
{ (Shift-AltGr-1) < (Shift-AltGr-2) [ (Shift-AltGr-3) ( (Shift-AltGr-4) « (Shift-AltGr-5) » (Shift-AltGr-6) ) (Shift-AltGr-7) ] (Shift-AltGr-8) > (Shift-AltGr-9) } (Shift-AltGr-0)
Cut (Ctrl-b) Copy (Ctrl-i) Paste (Ctrl-.) WWW
↺Lower Cut (Ctrl-b) ↺Higher
🎔 🖄 🖩 🗘 🔍
{ (Shift-[) < (Shift-,) [ ( (Shift-9) ) (Shift-0) ] > (Shift-.) } (Shift-])
Cut (Ctrl-x) Copy (Ctrl-c) Paste (Ctrl-v) WWW
↺Lower Cut (Ctrl-x) ↺Higher
Oryx F21 F22 F23 F24 Macro stop rec Macro1 rec Macro2 rec Reset
NKRO Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5 Int 6 Int 7 Int 8 Int 9
Indicator brightness Lang 1 Lang 2 Lang 3 Lang 4 Lang 5 Lang 6 Lang 7 Lang 8 Lang 9 🔆
Toggle lighting ↺Lower ↺Raise 🔅
🡼 (Alt-Super-Shift-a) 🡽 (Alt-Super-Shift-i)
🡸 (Alt-Super-Shift-h) 🡺 (Alt-Super-Shift-y)
🡿 (Alt-Super-Shift-u) 🡾 (Alt-Super-Shift-g)
🡻 (Alt-Super-Shift-j) ↺Warp 🡹 (Alt-Super-Shift-n)
1 pixel
1 pixel
1 pixel
1 pixel
Esc Home End num / num -
num * num +
Insert num
num =
Pause Ctrl To Base num . num , Num
TT Nav

Inserts a pair of characters, then presses Left to put the cursor inside.

We can also press their constituent characters on the Higher layer.

Raise-f, Raise-b, Raise-n and Raise-p behave just like their Emacs counterparts
Ctrl-f, Ctrl-b, Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p, that is to say, they move
Forward (Right), Backward (Left), to the Next line (Down) and to the Previous line (Up).

Since this uses the arrow keys, this is automatically compatible with nearly 100% of applications!

(Note that Raise-n is moved one position down to avoid conflicting with 9.)

We also have End, Home, PgDn, PgUp in the corresponding locations on the Lower layer.

Perfectly control the mouse using only the keyboard thanks to the Nav layer!
You can even scroll the mouse wheel left or right! I didn't even know this was possible!
(I didn't know about Button 4 and Button 5 either...)

Note how you can easily move the mouse while holding Ctrl-Alt-Shift in any combination, as well as Left click xor Right click.

Use the Crawl sublayer (strategically located to the left of "Acceleration 0") to accurately move the mouse by single pixels.

Mouse warping

The blue keys instantly warp the mouse to the center of each of 9 "quadrants", considering the screen as a 3x3 grid of rectangular regions.

If Shift is held down or the bold version of an arrow is pressed, then warp to the far side or corner of the corresponding quadrant instead of to its center.

Importantly, if we press multiple locations at once then the mouse warps to the barycenter of the designated points!
So if we press 2 locations at once, then the mouse warps to the midpoint between those points. This allows for very precise movement!

See hexstream-latin.txt.